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Audio Science, Audiophile, Featured, Music History

The Guy Who Invented Stereo

The Guy Who Invented Stereo
As we continue to celebrate March Audio Month, we’ve got an interesting story that combines audio tech and history.
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Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Audiophile, Featured, Music History, The Art & Science of Sound

What Exactly Is High-Fidelity?

What Exactly Is High-Fidelity?
The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language defines ‘high fidelity’ as the reproduction of sound with little distortion, giving a result very similar to the original.IIn this case ‘distortion’ doesn’t mean noise, it means any change to the original This reprint of a 2019 KEF Blog article examines excatly what High-Fidelity is.
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Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Audiophile, Featured, Music History, The Art & Science of Sound

Music and Your Brain, Part II

Music and Your Brain, Part II
Despite the fact most of us would much rather just stay home, humans are social creatures – always have been and always will be. That’s why every culture has fairs and festivals and centuries-long traditions that are all celebrated with music at the center of each. The world changes but many of these traditions are passed down from generation to generation, keeping our ties to our past resilient. Our connection to music is part of what makes us human.
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Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Audiophile, Featured, How To's & Tips

Music and Your Brain, Part I

Music and Your Brain, Part I
Our relationship with music is a hard-wired thing. The more we indulge our link to music the more it fires up our brains. When you sit and listen to music – not in the background but as an active participant, no less than eleven sections of your brain become active, and not just active, but excited. With music, areas that help you communicate better, analyze situations better, remember things, and maintain muscle memory are all simultaneously excited.
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Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Featured, How To's & Tips, KC62, KF92, Kube, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

There's More to Home Theater Than the 80 Hz Crossover

There's More to Home Theater Than the 80 Hz Crossover
Guest contributor and Senior Product Training Specialist Ben Hagens shares some interesting background as to why the standard 80 Hz crossover setting for subwoofers in home theater and stereo setups may not be so valid anymore.
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