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If you’ve listened to pretty much any music in the past fifty years you’ve heard something George Martin was involved in. Even if you’re not a pop music kind of person, you’ve probably heard some of the finest classical records or movie scores ever recorded that were sessioned at Martin’s AIR studios in either London
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In the next few weeks we’re going to explore the roles absorption and diffusion play when preparing a theater or listening room, and we’ll discuss what to do and what not to do. But before we get started, here’s a look at some important terms and definitions.
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In a perfect world, my listening room would consist of a 2-channel monoblock system driving a pair of Blades, a $9000 turntable, an endless library of 192kHz/24-bit FLAC files, a chair with a cupholder, and proper acoustic treatments all around.
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A common cause of poor performance in an audio system is also one of the easiest to fix – if you know what to look for. Connection issues usually come in two forms: mixing up the Left and Right channels and wiring your speakers out-of-phase.
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