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You’ve heard the song thousands of times, but you’ve probably never heard this. Pretty much from now on, whenever you hear Rocky Mountain High in the future, you’ll shush everyone around you and point out the bad punch the recording engineer couldn’t take back.
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Sometime between 1989 and 1990, at the AT&T labs in Murray Hill, NJ, a scientist heard a song. That scientist, Karlheinz Brandenburg, was just your average, every day audio engineering genius who also happened to be working on the codec for a new digital music format.
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In addition to our wide range of Ci Architectural speakers which are perfect for Atmos installations, KEF also offer the Q50a and R8a Atmos-Enabled speakers which can be wall-mounted or placed on top of an existing front speaker.
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This week’s edition of Did You Hear That? is easy. You don’t even need to be paying much attention to hear one of the most recognizable goofs in rock and roll history.
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Music has also been described as the “universal language,” but that’s not necessarily true. Rhythm may be universal, but music is the product of the culture from which it comes, and each culture has its own vocabulary, idiom and story-telling rules.
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