Audio Technology | How To's | Tips RSS

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Should you care about high-resolution audio? Yes.


Audio Technology | How To's | Tips -

A Simple Guide to Digital Music File Formats


Audio Technology | How To's | Tips -

The resurgence in interest in vinyl in the mid-twenty-teens is here to stay. Maybe vinyl isn’t going to continue to grow substantially in popularity, but it is here to stay. And with that there are some old-school technical problems that are suddenly back and annoying us all.


Audio Technology | How To's | Tips -

Since 1961, KEF has been at the forefront of loudspeaker technology - not just for us, but for the entire industry. Here's a look at how we built a reputation for world class speaker technology as far back as the 1960s. Close


Audio Technology | How To's | Tips -

There's a lot of information out there - good and bad - about optimally placing your rear-ported speakers. We try to dispel some myths and give you some easy to follow advice on getting the most out of your rear-ported speakers.


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