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The Difference Between Dolby Surround/DTS and Dolby Atmos

The Difference Between Dolby Surround/DTS and Dolby Atmos
You might say we’re at peak home audio and theater technology. With all of the wonderful current technology at our disposal also comes a level of complexity home audio enthusiasts back in the day never really had to deal with.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, KC62, KF92, Kube, LS50 Wireless II, LS60 Wireless, LSX II, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

Tips For Integrating A Subwoofer With Your LS Wireless Products

Tips For Integrating A Subwoofer With Your LS Wireless Products
It’s often said that it’s important to do one thing well. Our amazing world-class engineering team wholeheartedly agrees with this, so they concentrate on designing the finest loudspeakers and active music systems available. Since subwoofers are nothing more than specialized loudspeakers, it stands to reason that designing a world-class subwoofer is in the same category as designing a world-class three-way loudspeaker. It’s just a matter of science. And physics. And 60-plus-years’ experience leading the audio industry toward the next innovation.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Featured

Connecting An Analog Source To Your LS Wireless

Connecting An Analog Source To Your LS Wireless
We often get questions regarding connecting an analog source, such as a turntable to any of our LS Wireless products (LSXII, LS50 Wireless II and LS60 Wireless). It’s a simple connection that will provide hours of luscious vinyl joy through a superior high-end active music system.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips

Adjusting the Volume to Match the Size of Your Room and Screen

Adjusting the Volume to Match the Size of Your Room and Screen
When you adjust the volume on your remote, this is actually what you are doing.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips

KEF's Room, Desk and Wall EQ Settings

KEF's Room, Desk and Wall EQ Settings
KEF's LS Wireless family of products feature some powerful DSP-controlled EQ settings to help you get the most out of your listening space and your KEF LS Wireless system.
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