Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Featured, How To's & Tips, KC62, KF92, Kube, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

There's More to Home Theater Than the 80 Hz Crossover

There's More to Home Theater Than the 80 Hz Crossover
Guest contributor and Senior Product Training Specialist Ben Hagens shares some interesting background as to why the standard 80 Hz crossover setting for subwoofers in home theater and stereo setups may not be so valid anymore.
Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, How To's & Tips, KC62, KF92, Kube, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

Fix Your Bass! Learn to Crawl!

Fix Your Bass! Learn to Crawl!
Regardless of which subwoofer you own, there are three things to consider when placing it in your room. Obviously, you want to pick a subwoofer that is capable of chest-thumping movie soundtrack lows and the sweet nuance your favorite music deserves – and yes, a quality subwoofer that is well-engineered will be capable of both, so we’ll assume you bought a sub that checks both those boxes, but the three considerations (in no particular order) are:
Featured, KC62, KF92, Kube, LS50 Wireless II, LS60 Wireless, LSX II, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

Blog - Optimizing Your Crossover Settings

Blog - Optimizing Your Crossover Settings
Where do I set my crossover? It’s one of the most frequent questions we get asked here at KEF, and unfortunately, one that has no simple answer.  Despite this, shedding a little light on the process should point you to the right balance that makes your KEF set up sound just right.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, KC62, KF92, Kube, LS50 Wireless II, LS60 Wireless, LSX II, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

Tips For Integrating A Subwoofer With Your LS Wireless Products

Tips For Integrating A Subwoofer With Your LS Wireless Products
It’s often said that it’s important to do one thing well. Our amazing world-class engineering team wholeheartedly agrees with this, so they concentrate on designing the finest loudspeakers and active music systems available. Since subwoofers are nothing more than specialized loudspeakers, it stands to reason that designing a world-class subwoofer is in the same category as designing a world-class three-way loudspeaker. It’s just a matter of science. And physics. And 60-plus-years’ experience leading the audio industry toward the next innovation.
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