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A (Very Brief and Somewhat Shallow) Discussion On Crossover Networks
A perfect crossover is a driver that reproduces all frequencies equally well; by that definition because of the laws of physics, there can be no such thing as a perfect crossover.
A Non-Technical Guide to Buying Audio Equipment (Discussing What Really Matters)
Music has become like Social Media: We've got a lot of friends, but not a lot of close relationships. Technology has made it possible to access more music than ever before, but it has also separated us from our enjoyment of the art of music. Along the way, we've lost our relationship with music.
Why Automated Room Correction Software Is Reporting Your Speakers Are Out of Phase
When your automated room correction software tells you that you have a speaker out of phase, here's what that probably means.
Absorption Vs. Diffusion - A Glossary of Terms
In the next few weeks we’re going to explore the roles absorption and diffusion play when preparing a theater or listening room, and we’ll discuss what to do and what not to do. But before we get started, here’s a look at some important terms and definitions.
Speaker Placement: 10 Things To Consider Beyond Spousal Approval
In a perfect world, my listening room would consist of a 2-channel monoblock system driving a pair of Blades, a $9000 turntable, an endless library of 192kHz/24-bit FLAC files, a chair with a cupholder, and proper acoustic treatments all around.
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