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The Art & Science of Sound

The Foley Artist - Making Movie Sound Come Alive

The Foley Artist - Making Movie Sound Come Alive
With a sophisticated mix of sound and visuals, movies are now more life-like than we could have imagined a few short decades ago, but it wasn't always that way.

Where Is Music City?

Where Is Music City?
Nashville Tennessee is as important to the history of music as any other city, but where the name 'Music City' originated might surprise you.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips

Some Facts About Speaker Break-In

Some Facts About Speaker Break-In
We break down the science behind speaker break-in. Yes, speaker break-in is a thing, and yes, you will hear a difference in your new speakers after playing them for a while.
Audio Technology | How To's | Tips

MQA Basics

MQA Basics
As we have gotten more comfortable with digital music technology, MQA has proven to be an important player in the preservation of high-resolution reproduction.
The Art & Science of Sound

Top 25 Best Sounding Albums of the Pop Era

Top 25 Best Sounding Albums of the Pop Era
Top 25 Best Sounding Albums of the Pop Era
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