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To Toe-In or Not To Toe-In

To Toe-In or Not To Toe-In
Loudspeaker toe-in is a concept as old as stereo itself. Because of an unavoidable design flaw in most loudspeakers, to get the deepest, most accurate soundstage possible some measure of toe-in was necessary. This is where the equilateral triangle setup came from
Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, Featured, How To's & Tips

First Reflections and the Mirror Test

First Reflections and the Mirror Test
Recordings and soundtracks contain the reverberation signature, or room tone, of the space they were recorded in (concert hall, recording studio). In a movie soundtrack, the recording contains the reverberation signature the director and audio designer conjured up. Either way, the reverberation has been provided for you, so it makes sense that a listening room that is overly reverberant will interfere with the sound the artist intended.
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Psychic Debris Field by Doug Aitken

Psychic Debris Field by Doug Aitken
KEF America is proud to announce their participation in Psychic Debris Field, the latest multi-sensory, multi-media installation by acclaimed Los Angeles artist Doug Aitken.
Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, How To's & Tips, KEF Products | Technology | History, Kube, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

Go Beyond the Boom with Kube MIE

Go Beyond the Boom with Kube MIE
Everyone loves bass. Whether in a song or a movie, very few things in the entertainment world top the thrill of deep, tight bass at just the right moment. It’s the pursuit of that magic that sometimes leads to bloated, inaccurate, one-note bass. An under-performing or poorly set up subwoofer can do an amazing amount of damage to the fidelity of even the most expensive audio system.
Audio Science, Audio Technology | How To's | Tips, How To's & Tips, KC62, KF92, Kube, Subwoofer, Subwoofer Integration

Fix Your Bass! Learn to Crawl!

Fix Your Bass! Learn to Crawl!
Regardless of which subwoofer you own, there are three things to consider when placing it in your room. Obviously, you want to pick a subwoofer that is capable of chest-thumping movie soundtrack lows and the sweet nuance your favorite music deserves – and yes, a quality subwoofer that is well-engineered will be capable of both, so we’ll assume you bought a sub that checks both those boxes, but the three considerations (in no particular order) are:
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